When we mention a silent disco event, you think it’s associated with music, right? Not all the time! It can be so much more than that. Today, let’s focus on movies. Bars and outdoor venues have been screening movies with wireless headphones for a while now, so maybe it’s time you take a look into holding a silent movie screening yourself. We promise, it’s easy.Adding a silent movie element is a great way to complement a casual event under the stars, or it could be an avenue to gather people to raise awareness for a good cause. All you need is a tech-friendly venue (mostly everywhere these days) that can accommodate a screen, transmitter, wireless headphones, and bodies to watch the movie. Take a look at the list below of venues that have held silent discos in the past. You could book one of these or think about using the latest rooftop bar that has opened in your city. A new venue is usually open to aligning with a group that is interested in holding unique and innovative events as a way to bring in new customers.1. Bracco’s – Long Island, NY2. Lincoln Center – NYC3. The Graham Hotel – Washington, D.C.4. Rooftop 210 – Charlotte, NC5. Palihouse – Los Angeles, CA6. Bayfront Park – Miami, FLNow we can talk about the bulk of the event… the movie. Classic cult movies create a sense of nostalgia that cause people to watch them over and over again. So basically, it’s a great way to draw a crowd. 1. Back to the Future2. Breakfast Club3. Dazed and Confused4. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off5. Goonies Or you could screen a movie that causes the crowd to do something every time a certain occurrence happens during the movie. Guests could donate an amount of money of their choosing to your charity or they could take a sip of their drink (responsibly) every time something happens in the movie. Get creative with it!1. Anchorman – Drink or donate every time Ron addresses San Diego or attempts to seduce a lady, or Brick Tamland says something stupid.2. Scream – Drink or donate every time someone references another horror movie, a phone rings, Gale Weathers makes a bitchy remark to her cameraman, or Ghostface appears. 3. The Hangover – Drink or donate every time Stu touches his missing tooth or mentions it, someone says “remember”, or you see a Vegas landmark.