We hold a strong conviction in the value of education and the unwavering dedication of both educators and learners. Recognizing the importance of making vital resources accessible to you without straining your finances is at the core of our mission.

teacher student 

Silent Discos are a perfect way to engage students ranging from all grades and ages. We have had the pleasure of working with elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges, and universities across the country over the years and we are grateful for the opportunity to create fun memories for both students and teachers!

Whether you are looking for a fun way to shake up your dance, party, end of year bash or welcome week, we are the perfect choice! Students come from various backgrounds and may enjoy different genres of music than their peers. Silent discos allow for 3 different genres of music to be played at once which allows the students to choose which music they want to vibe with at any given moment. 

For dances that include teachers and parents as chaperones, the DJ could dedicate a channel for them so that everyone is enjoying their favorite music! With everyone wearing headphones and no overbearing music blasting from speakers, it is much easier for students to socialize and talk to each other too. If you are at a K-12 school and only want to have a silent disco for a specific group of kids, the music playing through wireless headphones is perfect noise control to allow students to enjoy their event without disturbing others. As for colleges and universities, silent discos are quickly taking over the festival scene which means most college students will already be familiar with this concept. 

If you are interested in receiving a free quote for your upcoming event, or would like to create an event centered around a silent disco, please visit our Rent page and request a quote today!

Thank you to the students who show up with energy and embrace the modernity of silent discos. Thank you to the teachers who are willing to create a unique and creative atmosphere where every student is encouraged to dance to their own beat. 

Keep dancing, keep learning, and keep shining!
– Party Headphones Team